Following are the items of importance in the newspaper today.

I am unable to record an audio note for today’s newspaper due a severe throat infection. Consequently, I am enclosing a few comments on the paper today.
There is an extensive coverage of the Periodic Labour Force Survey and will continue for a few more editions. All you need to know are some key data indicators which support larger arguments on labour, gender, and unemployment related issues. Please don’t read unnecessary details to this as no major policy development has taken place.
There is a continuous coverage on ongoing Monsoon budget session as bills are being debated and passed on a daily basis. It is recommended to wait for the session to get over and then undertake a full review of specific bills as well the overall performance of the session from a parliamentary efficiency perspective.
The editorial on reservation for women in Bihar can be supplemented with a consolidated article on the website on reservation and can be used as context in the Mains exam.
Thank You,
Atish Mathur
Someday I don't find Hindu newspaper analysis. What's the reason for these missing days. Also after 4 aug news audio is also not available?
Hi Atish,
Is it possible to share the Notion link for Current Affairs. It would help a lot for revising.
Thank you for the initiative.