The final prelims full length test for Prelims 2021 is attached below.
Question Paper :
Answer Key :
OMR Sheet :
A total of 7 full length tests have been issued completely free of cost to you, curated with utmost precision and care to reflect the standards of the UPSC.
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Thank You,
Atish Mathur
Thank you, Sir.
Q61 Either the question is about Fundamental Rights or the answer is Op. 1 & 2.
Q88. Correct Answer :B
Q35. Looks like the question is about Mangrove cover and not forest cover
The paper has a few mistakes.
Question 88 regarding scheduled bank, mangorves cover etc
Howsoever, thank you for this.
Q35: mentions Forest cover. But solutions have given data about Mangrove cover. @Sir: Can you clarify this doubt??
If anyone has solved the paper. Please confirm the above doubt.
Q 88: I think answer should be B. Non scheduled banks are not listed in 2nd schedule